Common Values

Philosophy of

Beauty depends on who is looking at it.

Some perceive it as bold, while others consider it as gaudy. Some see it as subdued, while others find it uninteresting. Beauty is not a monopoly. For us, the obsessive search for refinement in form and shape is what constitutes beauty. We acknowledge that beauty is very subjective and diverse. It can take many different forms, and none of them are incorrect. We also acknowledge that we are surrounded by beauty. It may be found in the smallest detail or in expansive expanses. To see it and enjoy it, we only need to be open-minded.

An eccentric American

The self-assurance to be loyal to yourself against popular opinion and consensus. The guts to stand by your convictions despite what the general public may think. The authentic eccentric is characterized by independence of thinking and a healthy dose of boldness. We understand how difficult it may be to reject the demands of the present to adjust and change, since we have been producing furniture the old-fashioned way since 1780. We are pleased to be referred to as odd, not humiliated. We regard it as a designation that links us to a lengthy line of innovative American intellectuals. We cultivate and appreciate our eccentrics because of something in the way our clothes are cut. In our opinion, the eccentricity principles still hold true for our way of living and working.


Baxter Winslow has been a steward of cultural memory since 1894. Furniture by Baxter Winslow is a living link to the past and a prestige symbol. It is long-lasting and has been planned to tell its own special tale.


Every stitch and fold is infused with ideas about what it means to be manufactured in USA. Its foundation is the craftsman's painstaking expertise and the conviction that the tradition will live on. This timeless attitude lends Baxter Winslow furniture a distinctive viewpoint and provides the manufacturer a far greater feeling of purpose.


Something has a distinct feeling of rarity and history when it is handcrafted. The intersection of craftsmanship, art, and history. Design at Baxter Winslow is a process. It is a place where beautiful things, elegant extravagance, classic designs, and custom fantasies are created.

Disregard fashion

Trends change throughout time. While design and quality never go out of style, fashions do. Throughout our over 250-year existence, we have consistently avoided the urge to indulge in transient, rapid fashion. Baxter Winslow is therefore seldom seen on the high street. We have a wider view because of our age. We have witnessed several changes in the world, but they have only strengthened our convictions. Remember the one golden rule of the real eccentric when it comes to fashion and don't follow the crowd. If you remain loyal to yourself, you can never make a mistake.